Lee Toyota of Topsham

115 Main Street, Topsham, ME, 04086


★★ ★★★★★
I came specifically to get on waiting list to buy RAV 4 Prime. I stated my willingness to wait my turn, but wanted something from Lee to indicate I was legally in line for the car, as I will need to spend a lot to keep my present vehicle reliable for up to two more years. A couple days later I called My salesperson requesting an email or something besides verbal, that I was on an actual waiting list. The reply was “I will speak with my manager and get back to you”. Never got back to me. As per an email from Lee manager, requesting my sales experience, I called the number for manager. No answer but went to another person covering for manager. I explained my simple desire for something from Lee besides my conversation with sales person. He assured me he would check it out. Am I being unreasonable to want something from Lee that I can keep in my records to indicate I have committed to wait and buy this vehicle when it comes in? Is it your policy to provide customers with absolutely nothing regarding being on a waiting list to buy a specific vehicle? As I have stated to sales person and to the person who answered my call to the manager, I do not require the top of the line accessory package, but will be fine with most any accessory package whether basic(my preference) or more expensive model. Do you not believe me when I say I am not shopping other dealers and have committed to buy from Lee? Will you not do the same for me and committed to me, other than verbally? Thank you Brian Smith

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